Saturday, November 24, 2007

5 Tips For Effortless Writing

Not the writing tips we learn in school, but very practical and does relate to writing your own books or ebooks. Goes through the 5 tips and what to do to get your writing out there.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Croc Shoes and Thrilla Copywriting

Now what would Croc shoes have to do with Copywriting I hear you ask. Well, actually nothing, or not these ones at least. I heard on the grapevine that Trevor “Toe Cracker” Crook, a fellow Aussie, Pay it Forward entrepreneur and the master of copywriting himself, is hosting a free webinar for TaggZilla

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Is Copywriting Important to Bloggers?

I'll save you the trouble of reading the entire article right now, and just answer the question: yes. Absolutely, without a doubt, copywriting is extremely important to bloggers.

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Copywriting Knockout Punches For Serious Entrepreneurs”

This bloke reckons that he's the 'Crocodile Dundee' of copywriters and he'll give clients the biggest advertising knife! Then they can slash their competitors leave them feeling like a one legged swimmer in a crocodile infested creek... maybe something for an everyday blogger like me to learn!

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Resume help

Story about resume help. The name of the site says it all....resume experts. Get the expert help you need right now.

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Resume Writing Services

Top notch resume writing services to get you up and running very fast.

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How to Write a Resume

6 steps to creating a great resume so that you can get your career rolling the right way

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Free Resume Templates - How to Use Them

Some practical advice when using free resume templates successfully and avoid looking like an amateur

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Keyword Optimize Your Resume for Max Exposure

How to make your resume more effective to online human resources people and searches. More visibility is always better for you.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Copywriter Wanted - Good Tips for all Resume Writers

If you’re a writer applying for a posted “Creative Writer” wanted job why not ah, be freakin creative? Sending a resume just puts you in a big stack. Differentiating yourself puts you on my to call list. These kind of tips are great to get the attention you want.

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How To Make A Resume Without Being a Writer

Your cover letter and resume are your �first impression� that you are making on prospective employers and so they are critically important. Your first impression needs to be one of professionalism and competence. Make your words and the space on your resume page count

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How To Make A Resume Without Being a Writer

In today's world, no matter what sort of job you're looking for, you absolutely need a top-notch Cover Letter and Resume if you want to get an interview. These 2 elements either get attention or go straight to the trash can! You decide!

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Best tips about how to write resume

Looking for a job can be frustrating.In this article, I will list the
top 10 tips I think are the most important to use while writing the
winning resume. make your resume do what it is supposed to do, get
attention and that reclusive interview

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Resume Tips from the Recruiter

Ideally, your resume should be written to help you be considered for a
specific job title. Here is a resume building process for you to

What is a resume?
- What should a good resume accomplish?
- What
are the essential parts of a resume?
- What is a job objective and why
is it important?
- What should not be included in a resume?

answers to
the questions and what you should do are contained in this post.

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Resume Information - how to construct your resume from the ground up

Here is all the information you need to help you get started in writing
your resume.

Learn some great resume writing tips and some real
examples of resumes you can use as a guide. Make this all important
document work for you. COnstructing it the right way goes a long way to
you getting results

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Resume Information That Gets You Started

Here is all the information you need to help you get started in writing
your resume. Learn some great resume writing tips and some real
examples of resumes you can use as a guide. A veritable treasure trove
of info to get you started on your way to successful resume
creation...not just any resume but one that gets you results.

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Law Resume Tips That Extend to All Fields and Industries

Your resume is not the place to get creative.

Don't try to cram in
everything you've ever done by reducing the margins to half an inch or
the font type down to 8- or 9-point. Employers have to look at many,
many resumes and will not appreciate one that is packed to the limit,
making it difficult to read or understand. Save the creativity and your
exceptional nature for the interview when you really want to stand out.

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Top 10 Resume Tips to Get You That Interview!

Did you think about your resume file name when you attached it?

What about web bugs embedded in your resume. This is a top-10 list of items that you should think about before sending out your resume. This is a checklist to keep you on track and make sure you have covered all your bases before submitting a resume that would flop. Get that interview by following this blueprint.

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Friday, November 9, 2007

How To Write A Compelling Resume That

How will you ensure that your resume will make the cut and that you will capture attention and get the call for an interview? Here are a few crucial tips that are absolutely essential to the creation of a compelling resume in such competitive times. You have to stand out and make yourself the kick ass person the human resource manager wants to interview.

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How to Make a Resume - easy resume writing

The frustration of not getting any calls back together with the stress at home could of devastated me. But then I found a great piece of software where I learned how to make a resume. Helps make the process of getting your resume created and out there easier.

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Tips that Make Resume Writing Simple

Writing a resume from scratch can be a difficult task. Even if you do have a way with words, selecting the most relevant information about you and getting is down on paper isn’t easy. The following list of questions will help make resume writing easier....

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

How to Construct a Killer Resume, From Start to Finish

Some good tips on resume writing. A comprehensive article that takes
you from start to finish on how to construct your resume from scratch.

Tells you what not to do (fire up MS word with generic resume template)
and what to do.

Being specific about your accomplishments and giving
real, unique value to the human resource person reading your resume is
absolutely essential to getting noticed, attracting their attention and
interest, and ultimately getting the 1 thing you crave....THE INTERVIEW!

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The Top Three Mistakes Attorneys Make on Their Resumes

Top three Resume Mistakes which can be affect on your legal career.

Vague Explanations of Experienced and Accomplishments, Cluttered with
Irrelevant Information this type of Resume Mistakes are straight from
Experienced Resume Writers at Legal Resume Writing.

These techniques
apply to you too, NOT just attorneys!

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How To Make A Resume Without Writing

A new software package that makes interview getting resumes and cover
letters for you.

This software is for you if: You have no writing
skills, don't want to write, don't know where to start with a resume.

Has templates of successful resumes that you can flat out steal and use
to get that interview you covet.

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Job Hunting: The Resume

A funny take on writing and presenting a resume. Job hunting told as it
is. Hilarious.

This has many funny little anecdotes and recalls about
how interviewers don't listen, ask questions over and over, and revisit
info they should have gotten by reading your well prepared resume.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to Create a Resume on Squidoo

A Treasure trove of resources, books and good common sense info to jazz
up your resume and make it pop. It talks about the importance of your
resume, different elements like: objective, introduction, and other
highly necessary parts of any successful resume.

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Resume Software - Does it Work?

If creating your resume gives you nightmares then it may be that resume
software could help you. These are paid solutions but when you are in a
bind they save you loads of time.

Also, they provide what you are
looking for...a resume that gets you the ONLY RESULT you care
about...the INTERVIEW.

That is all your resume is supposed to do. That
is it's only job. This post talks about the software and how it works.

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How to Write Successful Federal Government Resumes

A great resource about Federal Resume Writing. Talks about the
differences between federal government resumes and regular private
industry company resumes.What you want to put in your resume for
federal government and what to say when you get into the interview.

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